Rapadalen 1996
  OBS! The pictures on this pageare quite big, and can be hard to get a good view at, if you have a small monitor.  
This is some pictures from a hike in the mouth of the Rapadalen in The Sarek national Park. It took place in late June, and we feared beforehand that it would be wet in the ground, but it was very dry and nice. The best part was that there were no mosquitoes.
After a quite long journey in a Saab 95 från -68 we finally reached the end of the road, and it was time to start walking. Nice tracks and quite flat terrain made the walk easy, and soon we were at the Aktse cabin. There was no cabin-keeper there, but the next morning we were acompanied by a Norweigan that had been out for two weeks. Part of his luggage on the porch.
The second day we decided to climb Skierfe. This picture is taken on the way up.

This day we had quite nice weather, and a view extended for miles and miles.

This picture is taken from the top of Skierfe with the mouth of the Rapadalen in the background. The picture does not make the scene justice. You have to experience it in real life. At the edge where I am standing there is a steep of about 600-700 meters, which might be visible by Davids bodylanguage on the picture below.
It is on this mountain top I am standing on the picture above. The picture in courtesy of Jan Westerlund.
Here we used the cameras self-timer, and are from a break on the way back to the Aktse-cabin. If you look real close you can see the cabin in the yellow field in the middle of the woods.
These are the only pictures I have from this trip. When we returned from the second days climb of Skierfethe cabin-keeper had arrived for the summer, and we could buy some supplies from his store. The next day it started to rain heavily, and we decided that three days were enough and we started the journey home.